I am an interdisciplinary artist from St. Petersburg, Russia, who relocated to the UK in 2023. Graduated from the State Hermitage museum art school and numerous short-term courses on video art, sculpture, olfactory art, the history of contemporary art, sound art etc. Co-founder of Pink Foam art group.
My art is focused on the time flow, which is shown as decay, transformation and constant but barely seen change. I am captivated by ageing, memory loss, mutation of objects and their functions with time.
My works include olfactory installations, video art, sculpture and soundscapes. I am also interested in works by other artists and write articles as an art critic.
Selected group exhibitions
Everplace, Third Place (Saint Petersburg)
Multiverse, Glubina Gallery (Moscow)
Interference, site-specific installation (Leningrad region)
On purpose, Glubina Gallery (Moscow)
Inversia, International Sound Art Festival (Murmansk)
Innerside and what’s inside, Third Place (Saint Petersburg)
Horizon of waiting, Polytechnical museum (Moscow)
TAKT, Thursday foundation (Saint Petersburg)
Examining of Boheme, ArtHub (Ivanovo)
Lendoc videoart fest (Saint Petersburg)
About grannies, Left leg gallery (Omsk)
Outerspace, Zdes’ gallery (Moscow)
Artist in residence
Field Recording Lab, Inversia, International Sound Art Festival (Murmansk)
Sculpture residence (Novgorod)
Olfactory lab, Thursday foundation (St. Petersburg)
Articles I wrote